On Sunday morning's my husband and I have a tradition that after he comes home from Spin Class at the gym, and I walk the dog, that we have brunch and then we head to Tim Horton's for him, and Starbucks for me. Lucky for us they are across the street from each other down near the Costco.
I was so happy with how far we went on our walk yesterday that I told my husband instead of driving to the Starbucks, I would walk Angus(the dog) down and he could pick us up. According to Map my walk, that would be almost 7km's for us to do and I thought 90 Minutes or so would do it.
My hubby headed to the gym and I was just getting ready to head out when he called to tell me that it was pouring rain at the other end of town and he would prefer that we not go along the country road in the pouring rain. I agreed, as you can tell from the picture I posted yesterday there is no shoulder or sidewalk, and barely any room between the road and the ditch. People drive at a fairly quick speed along there and add in the rain, they may not see us in time. It bothers me a little bit and I always walk against traffic so I can see what's coming at us, and yesterday even on a clear sunny day there were a few cars that stayed far too close to us in my opinion.
Instead we headed around our neighbourhood. I still wanted to walk for 90 minutes so we headed up the Whatcom road hill, crossed over and came back down, went around the long block to the park, up part of the Marshall road hill, back down to the park and then home again, all in all we did a little over 6km in 1 hour and 26 minutes.
I was pretty happy with that, considering we tackled quite a few major hills in our area. I do have to start carrying water with us on these long walks though. Both Angus and I gulped down water when we got home, and it wasn't warm out, it was cold and rainy. I'm happy with our walks right now. So far on the weekends we're averaging just over 5km per day.
Way to go!!!! SO proud of you!!! ~Barb Stingl